Financial Insights & Resource Center | Counterweight Private Wealth

2024 Clays to Raise Tournament Reflection

Written by Nick Murphy, CFP® | July 18, 2024

Recently, we hosted our 10th annual “Clays to Raise” event. Over the years, it's been awesome to watch it grow into a wonderful success. But the original vision was much different.

In my industry, many advisory firms host events to show appreciation for their clients and engage with them in a fun way. Over the years I’ve hosted my own share of these events and the Clays to Raise event was originally no different.

We would enjoy a fun day at Deep River Sporting Clays and Shooting School involving walking the course, shooting clays, relishing the outdoors, and finishing the day with a great BBQ lunch. Everyone had a fantastic time and it became something our clients looked forward to each year.

But 6 years ago I started thinking . . .

One of the key tenets of our firm is to help our clients be “purposeful” with every aspect of their financial life. Yet, personally, I struggled with how well I was demonstrating intentionality within my own life.

Was I being as PURPOSEFUL as I encouraged our clients to be?

In some ways, yes. . . . but in many ways no.

So 6 years ago I felt prompted to take action.

I needed to do more. I needed to go beyond paying lip service, and initiate changes of my own.


The Raleigh Dream Center

Around the same time, my family and I began to serve and volunteer with the Raleigh Dream Center, primarily during their biweekly “Adopt A Block” ministry. It was an opportunity to engage directly in underserved areas of our city, hand out groceries, play with the kids, and develop relationships with people who we normally wouldn’t encounter in our daily circles.

It gave me a tremendous opportunity to hear their stories, understand their hardships, and do my best to be a vessel of hope.

The Raleigh Dream Center does some amazing work in our community. If you're not aware of who they are, I encourage you to check them out.

In addition to their “adopt-a-block” program, they also run a residential recovery program, community outreach programs, and have now begun a program to combat the human trafficking crisis.

I am proud to support their incredible work and their Gospel-centered mission.

Transforming Our Clay Shooting Event & What It Means Now to Our Firm

So I starting thinking. . . .is there a way we can use our sporting clay event in a more purposeful way? What if we incorporated an opportunity to bring awareness to the extraordinary mission of the Raleigh Dream Center and raise money to fund the work they are doing in our community?

Thus, “Clays to Raise” was born.

Our annual “Clays To Raise” event is much more than a fun charity event. It’s one of the fruits of my own inward journey to be intentional, live purposefully, and bless others in a way that shows my gratitude for the immeasurable blessings that God has given me.

I've found that there's no greater feeling than making an impact for a cause you are truly passionate about, and being a blessing to those who are less fortunate.

To those of you who have also supported this event, from the bottom of my heart, thank you!