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Team Member Spotlight: Carroll Davis

Our clients know that Carroll is key to upholding the relationships that sustain our business and their success. Beyond the connections she nurtures professionally, she’s also committed to continuing special friendships and gatherings in her personal life.

This spring, she took part in an annual Mother/Daughter weekend with her Alpha Xi Delta sorority sisters that’s been going on for 11 years! The tradition started while they were in college at East Carolina University.

Their most recent trip was to Pinehurst NC, but they’ve also been to Wrightsville Beach, NC; Charlottesville, VA; Georgetown, DC; Richmond, VA; Figure Eight, NC; and Naples, FL.   

“The weekend is always so special because what other group of 6 daughters and 6 moms can say they get together every year and always look forward to seeing one another! As we get older we all get busier with babies or getting married and it is the one weekend of every year that we all know we will see each other.” – Carroll

Counterweight Private Wealth is a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) with its principal offices in Raleigh, NC and Wilmington, NC. Registration of an investment adviser does not imply any specific level of skill or training and does not constitute an endorsement of the firm by the Commission. Counterweight Private Wealth only transacts business in states in which it is properly registered or is excluded or exempted from registration. A copy of Counterweight Private Wealth’s current written disclosure brochure filed with the SEC which discusses among other things, its business practices, services, and fees, is available through the SEC’s website at:

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